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 Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD كامل لمحترفى صناعة البطاقات

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الدولة : غير معروف
عدد المساهمات : 295
نقاط : 887
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/01/2013

Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD كامل لمحترفى صناعة البطاقات Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD كامل لمحترفى صناعة البطاقات   Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD كامل لمحترفى صناعة البطاقات Icon_minitimeالإثنين سبتمبر 16, 2013 8:46 am

Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD كامل
لمحترفى صناعة البطاقات
Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD -rar| 7.24 GB
Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD كامل لمحترفى صناعة البطاقات A2sjr
The 1 Greeting Card Software for Over 10 Years

For more than 100 years, Hallmark has designed greeting cards for lifes special moments. Hallmark Card Studio 2013 Deluxe extends this tradition, making it easy to create one-of-a-kind Hallmark cards as unique as the people you care for. From birthdays and holidays to special occasions and every day greetings, youll find the perfect card for virtually any occasion.
But cards are just the beginning. Bridge the miles between family and friends with photo cards in a variety of new sizes, postcards, stationery sets and party invitations - all customized with your heart-felt message. Its easy with exclusive Hallmark writing tips and ideas included right in the software! Plus, using the built-in Digital Photo Editor, you can easily crop, fix, and apply special effects to photos before adding them to calendars, scrapbook pages and award certificates. Then simply print, email or share on Facebook and other popular social media websites!

With 13,000+ designs, 18,000+ premium graphics, 10,000+ sentiments, exclusive fonts, an Event Planner and much more, the creative possibilities are endless. Its amazing what you and Hallmark can do together!


More! 13,000+ Hallmark Greeting Cards and customizable projects for all occasions
More! 10,000+ Spectacular Graphics to complement your designs
More! Hallmark sentiment library with 10,000+ sentiments
New! User Interface - find the right card faster and easier than ever before
Enhanced! Matching Envelope Library automatically displays more coordinating card envelopes
Built-in Digital Photo Editor helps you fix photo flaws and apply special effects
New! Gift Bags, Collages and Holiday Newsletters design projects
Search projects easily by design theme or occasion
Milestone Birthday and Holiday Photo Card collections
Easy integration with Facebook and other social networks
Enhanced! Hallmark Graphics Collection with even more images
Designs for Photo Cards, Calendars, 3D Cards & 3D Projects and more
Writing Etiquette Guide with writing tips and ideas from Hallmark
A video tutorial gets you started fast


Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8
Intel Pentium 4 or faster
512 MB RAM
DVD Drive
Color Printer
Internet Connection Required to Use Download Version

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Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD كامل لمحترفى صناعة البطاقات PO9qZ

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Hallmark Card Studio Deluxe (2013) DVD كامل لمحترفى صناعة البطاقات
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