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 DRD Systems VideoReDo TVSuite H.264 v4.21.2.662-rar كامل

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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الدولة : غير معروف
عدد المساهمات : 295
نقاط : 887
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/01/2013

DRD Systems VideoReDo TVSuite H.264 v4.21.2.662-rar كامل Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: DRD Systems VideoReDo TVSuite H.264 v4.21.2.662-rar كامل   DRD Systems VideoReDo TVSuite H.264 v4.21.2.662-rar كامل Icon_minitimeالإثنين سبتمبر 16, 2013 8:03 am

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DRD Systems VideoReDo TVSuite H.264 v4.21.2.662-rar كامل

DRD Systems VideoReDo TVSuite H.264 v4.21.2.662-rar كامل 3IXXD
Cut to the good parts with VideoReDo! The best way to edit and create TV Show DVD's! VideoReDo TVSuite our newest product delivers a simple and fast way to create customized DVD's of your favorite TV shows, movies, and sports.

The TVSuite H.264 version supports the newest video standards and can easily convert your TV shows for use with iPhone/iPod and other popular portable devices. Why should it be so complicated? Unlike home movie video editors, or those "all-in-one factory" DVD products designed for many purposes, VideoReDo TVSuite was designed to easily edit MPEG2 video, quickly author and burn a DVD.

Simplify your editing, and quickly create DVD's of your TV shows... all within the same software, typically without the need of lengthily transcoding. This means you can remove offensive material (often commercials) by editing video, quickly author video, and burn DVD's easily and quickly!

There is no need to jump around to different applications, so when you want to create DVD's you just do it without frustration. VideoReDo TVSuite gives you an easy way of collecting DVD's of your favorite TV events... the way you want to see them!

TVSuite is built on the award winning functionality of our popular MPEG editing solution... so whether you are using a PVR, DVR, DVD or capture card to record TV, VideoReDo TVSuite will simplify your editing, and reliably create DVDs of your TV shows in minutes rather than hours.

Just cut to the good parts with these great NEW features!

• H.264 / AVCHD editing
With TVSuite H.264, you can edit your H.264/AVC transport, mp4, and wtv files as easily as you edited your older MPEG2 files.

• Convert files for iPhone/iPod and other portable devices.
TVSuite H.264 supports full recoding between H.264 and MPEG2 to all the popular formats used by portable devices.

• One button "Create DVD" workflow
With one button Create DVD workflow you get a process designed to quickly author and burn MPEG source video faster and easier than traditional video editing and authoring software.

• New more intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI)
TVSuite allows a clean intuitive simplicity to user navigation while remaining highly functional and flexible. This new user interface delivers to the user the ultimate balance between an easy to use intuitive approach that supports its robust features and functionality.

• Simple preset or custom DVD menu generation
TVSuite comes with a rich set of pre-designed menu templates to create great looking DVDs. You can customize or create your own templates in seconds using the built-in template editor, to give your DVDs your own unique look and feel. Reuse templates or share them with others via the internet, so that when making the DVDs of a series of program they all have a consistent look.

• Even autocrops letterbox movies
Let TVSuite automatically convert letterboxed programs to anamorphic widescreen DVDs. You can even "tweak" the cropping parameters to remove additional unwanted materal and the edges of program such as station logos and Line 21 information.

• Automatic down conversion from HD to SD
While VideoReDo TVSuite does a great job of editing high definition (HD) material, DVDs can only play standard definition programs (SD). When you author an HD video, TVSuite will automatically downconvert it to SD.

• Opens .IFO files directly for reauthoring (unencrypted DVDs)
If you want to edit material that has been previously recorded on an unencrypted DVD, TVSuite can import the titles directly from the DVD or from a copy of the DVD on your hard drive. Original chapter settings are retained from the imported DVD and will be retained should you decide to author another DVD after editing.

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DRD Systems VideoReDo TVSuite H.264 v4.21.2.662-rar كامل PO9qZ

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DRD Systems VideoReDo TVSuite H.264 v4.21.2.662-rar كامل
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