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 STOIK Stitch Creator

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الدولة : غير معروف
عدد المساهمات : 295
نقاط : 887
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/01/2013

STOIK Stitch Creator  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: STOIK Stitch Creator    STOIK Stitch Creator  Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أكتوبر 11, 2016 2:42 pm

STOIK Stitch Creator
STOIK Stitch Creator  XhpTPR
Create Cross-Stitch Pattern from any Image or Photo. Using STOIK Stitch Creator, you can convert photos into a cross stitch pattern. It will take just couple of minutes! Download our cross stitch pattern creator, install it, choose any of your picture, image or photo and get a cross stitch pattern and a color chart. Cross-Stitch patterns may be changed by hand with tools like vitrual needle, color fill, eraser, text. You’ll have access to preview on every step of your work, and finally you’ll be able to see final stitch patterns on screen and print. STOIK Stitch Creator makes turning your pictures into cross-stitch masterpiece a breeze. You can convert any picture or photograph into a cross-stitch pattern, or create your very own cross-stitch charts from scratch by using tools like virtual needles, color fill, eraser, text and picture inserts. Features of STOIK Stitch Creator 4 • Drawing tools: pen, line, ellipse, rectangle • Color Fill: selection, change thread • Selection: rectangle, ellipse, lasso, adding/subtracting selections • The ability to insert and edit images • Multi-layer support for making cross-stich charts with rich color palettes • Text Layer supporting true type fonts, anti-aliasing with 3/4 stitches and backstitch outlines • Palettes supporting 2 to 255 thread colors • Custom color palettes with supporting custom color and mixed thread with save and restore functionality • Extendable collection of motifs • Extendable collection of blackwork • A number of customizable borders • Text effects to produce stunning stationary • 25 types of stitches • French Knot • Backstitches: standard, short, and double backstitch • Image Conversion Wizard with instant preview • Automatic palette optimization for available thread colors • Optimized palettes for popular brands including Anchor, DMC, Madeira, J&P Coates • Instant preview of cross-stitch charts made with various palette settings • Brand Manager supports various brand catalogues with instant online updates • Brand Manager can define custom colors and custom brand palettes • Mixed color threads support • Image files in popular formats including jpg, gif, png, tif, bmp, pcx, tga, fpx, psd, and Stitch project files • Scanners and digital cameras via TWAIN interface (up to three TWAIN devices supported) • Clipboard support for copying and pasting graphics from other applications • Print patterns of any size, any resolution on single or multiple pages with advanced print options • Print WYSIWYG stitched patterns, Colored blocks, Colored blocks with symbols, Symbol charts, Brand catalogues and Material lists • Save cross-stitch patterns as a picture in popular formats including jpg, gif, png, tif, bmp, pcx, tga, fpx, psd • Export designs and material lists to graphic files • Save stitch projects • Save parts of the project as Motif or Blackwork designs • Two interface modes for new and advanced users • Fully guided step-by-step Stitch Conversion Wizard with instant preview of a cross-stitch pattern at every step • Comprehensive workflow guides in novice mode • Dockable floating palettes in advanced mode • Navigator window for easy access to every detail at high zoom levels • Customizable colors in novice mode • Multiple level undo and redo

To download click here

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STOIK Stitch Creator
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