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  WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الدولة : غير معروف
عدد المساهمات : 295
نقاط : 887
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/01/2013

 WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable 	 لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8    WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable 	 لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8 Icon_minitimeالأحد يناير 12, 2014 8:40 am

 WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable 	 لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8 U4XPk

WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable
لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8
 WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable 	 لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8 9Kkrd
WinReducer 8.1 - a program for creating your own distribution Windows 8.1, where it is possible to eliminate unnecessary programs and components (themes, language packs, fonts), incorporated into the operating system only necessary drivers and updates, customization interface by default appearance settings installer.

In addition, application developers have made the possibility of popular tweaks, such as creating items to shut down and restart the computer in the context menu of Windows Explorer or hide some elements of the new interface.

You first need to prepare the files of the original distribution Windows 8.1: you can copy them to your hard disk or remove from the image. The program requires no installation, just extract the contents of the archive to any folder without spaces in the name and run the executable file for the correct versions of Windows (32 or 64-bittnoy). In the opened window will be prompted for a file folder Windows 8.1 (button Open), choose one of the editors and press the button to start the Mount. Folder location for temporary files (Mount Folder) Do not change, all of its contents will be deleted!

Changes in version 0.99.7 Pre-Final
• NEW "Tools": "Preset Editor" helps you easily create your wccf file
without mounting your Windows 8.x ISO
• "Appareance - Theme Support - File Replacer - Imageres.dll"
• "Tweaks - Context Menu - Add Take Ownership (with Pause)"
• "Unattended - Administrator Account"
• "Unattended - Administrator Password"
• "Unattended - User Password"
• "Unattended - Activate Administrator Autologon"
• "Unattended - Activate User Autologon"
• "Unattended - Turn Off Password Expiration"
• Maximize WinReducer Window, when configuring your components, is available
• "Features": Option to select all Features to remove (at the same time) is
• "Services": Option to select all Services to remove (at the same time) is
available (Black Viper's Configuration will come in the next build)
• KNOWN BUGS - IMPORTANT 2: Please, take some time to read it!
• English language file to v0.99.7
• "Component Remover Tab": Navigating through all components using keyboard
arrow keys will display all available "Help tips" (not only with your
• Many GUI Improvements
• "TOOLS" icons: Added missing translation strings
• "Unattended": "Other User" bug should be solved
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 WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable 	 لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8 49FbI

To download click here

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
WinReducer 8.1 0.99.7 Pre-Final Portable لاصلاح اخطاء ويندوز 8
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