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 Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53 +keygen لدمج الصوت والصور

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الدولة : غير معروف
عدد المساهمات : 63
نقاط : 188
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/12/2012

Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53  +keygen  لدمج الصوت والصور  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53 +keygen لدمج الصوت والصور    Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53  +keygen  لدمج الصوت والصور  Icon_minitimeالجمعة يناير 03, 2014 5:30 am

Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53  +keygen  لدمج الصوت والصور  3zX36

Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53 +keygen
لدمج الصوت والصور
Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53  +keygen  لدمج الصوت والصور  U5iTQ
Photo DVD Maker helps you create photo album on DVD disc playable on TV, website, mobile devices such as Apple iPod, Sony PSP, cellular phone. With few clicks, Photo DVD Maker creates a professional-looking photo slide show with background music, Pan&Zoom and transition effects. Photo DVD Maker supports DVD, SVCD and VCD 2.0, MPEG, MPEG-4, FLV (Flash for Video) as the output format, supports over 360 amazing transition effects, Pan & Zoom, anti-flickering filter, supports adding background music directly from music CD and adding text Macro such as photo album name, photo file name, date, etc. It supports sub-title and art clips for each photo slide which adds amazing special effects for the slideshow. It also supports voice recording, annotation, audio music trimming and timeline control for easier audio/photo synchronization.

• Create multiple albums in a slideshow
• Add music or record your dubbing as background sound of the slideshow
• Apply transition effects
• Customize album theme and DVD menu from a large free template library
• Support JPEG, TIFF, BMP and PNG image formats
• Support adding video clips to the slideshows
• Support grabbing tracks from audio CD as background music
• Preview the slideshows before burning to discs
• Crop slideshow movies to fit TV systems
• Add captions in the beginning and credits in the end of the slideshow
• Rotate images, auto adjust image exposure, and add text to images
• With user-friendly interface and clear steps to guide you through creating amazing slideshows

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Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53  +keygen  لدمج الصوت والصور  TOpPH
Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53  +keygen  لدمج الصوت والصور  49FbI

To download click here

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Photo Photo DVD Maker Pro 8.53 +keygen لدمج الصوت والصور
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