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 Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

الدولة : غير معروف
عدد المساهمات : 295
نقاط : 887
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/01/2013

Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام   Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يناير 01, 2014 7:11 am

Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام 3zX36
Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام
برنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام والتسجيل منها وايضا اخذ صور متعدده

Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام GiIZ7
Take fun photo snapshots and video clips easily with your webcam using Video Booth. Add built-in smart effects to your photos and videos to make them fantastic and magnify the fun of sharing with friends as you can upload your works to website or YouTube directly.

Take snapshots – capture your special look easily.
Video Booth makes it easy to take snapshots with your built-in or computer-connected cameras. Just launch this application, locate images, and click. Take a single picture or take four pictures in succession using the “Continuous Shooting” mode which makes your pictures more special. Before photo is snapped, Video Booth flashes your screen to let you know that it is taking the last display showing in the main window.

Record video clips smoothly and stably.
With Video Booth, recording video clips by your webcam is fairly easy, just clicks away. What more importantly is that the video clips captured by Video Booth are very smooth and stable. Effects can be added to your video and make it more fun to upload to YouTube and to share with your family and friends.

How about adding some effects and see how fascinating it could be.
Using the effects to transform your look, make your smiles fantastic or freaky. Snap a picture of yourself in outer space, or take a walk in a beautiful fall woods. Start your journey of fun with all these effects offered by Video Booth which work perfectly for snap shooting and video recording.
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Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام 49FbI

To download click here

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Video Booth Pro + crackبرنامج لعمل مؤثرات على الويب كام
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